I’ve been reading some interesting news lately of a new product coming soon from Solatube Daylighting which incorporates LED technology to compliment the standard daylighting when the natural light levels are low, which will then use a sensor to turn on the LED system to provide additional lighting in the residential / commercial building.

Questions about the new system

1. What happens if the LED system fails before the expected life expectancy of the LEDs? Does the whole bottom tube assembly need to be removed and replaced with a new bottom tube assembly or can only the LED system portion be removed as unit?

2. What happens if the customer has not seen the LED system and does not like the LED grid system “look & feel” in the tube? Gas Stations have been replacing the lights with the LED energy efficient lights, but most of the systems incorporate a grid style pattern which might bother some customers due to the look of the LEDs

3. Will the LEDs be installed in a random pattern or grid style layout?

4. Can the LEDs be installed high enough in the tube to minimize the bright dot pattern usually associated with a LED light system?

5. Will the customers feel like this daylighting solution is too close a electrical light even though it’s a hybrid combination and uses a LED system with the lowest energy usage possible?

6. Will Solatube be able to deliver a light level high enough with the LED system to penetrate through the diffuser, but not cause a pattern the customer doesn’t like the look of during the night time?

The product is currently in testing phase which some of the questions above can be worked out before the product becomes available to the public. I wish more physical pictures of this product was available now, but I guess goo things come to those who wait!